
Cost Reimbursement Contract Revenue Recognition

Cost Reimbursement Contract Revenue Recognition: Everything You Need to Know

Cost reimbursement contract revenue recognition can be a bit of a mouthful, but it`s a crucial aspect of accounting and finance for businesses that enter into such contracts. In this article, we`ll explore what cost reimbursement contracts are, how revenue is recognized under these contracts, and the different types of cost reimbursement contracts that exist.

What Are Cost Reimbursement Contracts?

A cost reimbursement contract is a type of contract in which a buyer agrees to reimburse the seller for all the costs incurred in performing a particular project or service. In other words, the seller is paid for the actual costs incurred, plus an additional fee or profit margin. This type of contract is typically used in situations where the buyer wants to ensure that the seller has no incentive to cut corners or reduce quality in order to save costs.

How Is Revenue Recognized Under Cost Reimbursement Contracts?

Revenue recognition under cost reimbursement contracts is a bit different from other types of contracts. This is because revenue is recognized as costs are incurred, rather than when the project is completed or when payment is received. This means that revenue is recognized over time, as the seller incurs costs.

The revenue recognition process for cost reimbursement contracts typically involves three stages:

1. Accumulation of Costs: The seller accumulates all the costs incurred in performing the project or service. These costs can include direct labor, materials, equipment, overhead, and any other expenses related to the project.

2. Calculation of Revenue: Once the seller has accumulated all the costs, they calculate the revenue that will be recognized. This is typically done by adding a fee or profit margin to the total costs.

3. Recognition of Revenue: Finally, the seller recognizes revenue as costs are incurred. This means that revenue is recognized over time, rather than all at once.

Types of Cost Reimbursement Contracts

There are several types of cost reimbursement contracts that businesses may enter into, each with its own unique characteristics and requirements:

1. Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) Contracts: These contracts involve a fixed fee that is added to the total costs incurred by the seller. The fee is typically calculated as a percentage of the total costs, and is paid regardless of the actual costs incurred.

2. Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF) Contracts: These contracts involve a fixed fee that is added to the total costs incurred by the seller, as well as an incentive fee based on performance. The incentive fee is typically calculated based on specific performance metrics, such as completing the project on time or under budget.

3. Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF) Contracts: These contracts involve a fixed fee that is added to the total costs incurred by the seller, as well as an award fee based on performance. The award fee is typically subjectively determined by the buyer based on the seller`s performance.

4. Time and Material (T&M) Contracts: These contracts involve payment of an hourly rate for the seller`s time, plus the cost of any materials used. The seller is typically reimbursed for all costs incurred, plus a fee or profit margin.


Cost reimbursement contract revenue recognition can be a complex process, but it`s essential for businesses that enter into these types of contracts. By understanding the different types of cost reimbursement contracts and the revenue recognition process associated with them, businesses can ensure that they are accurately accounting for revenue and costs, and maintaining strong financial health.