
Canadian North Pilot Collective Agreement

The Canadian North Pilot Collective Agreement – A Comprehensive Guide

The Canadian aviation industry is known for its strict regulations and high standards of safety. One of the integral components of ensuring safe air travel is the pilots who operate the aircraft. To regulate the working conditions and wages of Canadian pilots, a collective agreement known as the Canadian North Pilot Collective Agreement was formed.

What is the Canadian North Pilot Collective Agreement?

The Canadian North Pilot Collective Agreement is a collective bargaining agreement established between the Airline Pilots Association (ALPA) and Canadian North Inc. The agreement outlines the working conditions, wages, benefits, and other employment terms of pilots working for Canadian North. The agreement is negotiated between the union and the employer, and once successfully negotiated, it is binding on both parties.

The Canadian North Pilots

Canadian North is a regional airline operating in Canada`s northern regions, including Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories. The airline`s pilots are responsible for safely transporting passengers and cargo in these remote locations, which often require flying in challenging weather and conditions.

The Collective Agreement`s Provisions

The Canadian North Pilot Collective Agreement outlines several provisions, including the pilots` wages, benefits, and working conditions. Under the agreement, Canadian North pilots are entitled to competitive wages, life insurance, health, dental, and vision coverage, as well as sick leave and vacation time.

The agreement also outlines the working conditions of Canadian North pilots. Pilots are not allowed to fly more than 100 hours per month, and they have a minimum of 12 hours of rest between flights. The agreement also sets up a grievance procedure that pilots can use if their rights under the agreement are violated.

The Importance of the Collective Agreement

The Canadian North Pilot Collective Agreement plays a crucial role in regulating the working conditions and wages of Canadian North pilots. The agreement ensures that pilots are adequately compensated for their work and that their working conditions remain safe and healthy. The agreement also provides job security for pilots, as their employment terms are protected under the agreement.

Moreover, the collective agreement has helped establish a positive working relationship between Canadian North and its pilots. It has fostered an environment of trust and respect between the employer and the employees, which has ultimately led to a better work environment for everyone involved.


The Canadian North Pilot Collective Agreement is a necessary component of the Canadian aviation industry. It ensures that pilots are adequately compensated for their work and that their working conditions remain safe and healthy. The agreement also provides job security for pilots, protecting their employment terms. It has been instrumental in establishing a positive working relationship between Canadian North and its pilots. As such, it is essential that the agreement continues to be implemented effectively to ensure safe and reliable air travel in Canada`s northern regions.