
Licence Agreement Vs Franchise Agreement

License Agreement vs. Franchise Agreement: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to business expansion, two common methods are through license agreements and franchise agreements. Though they may sound similar, there are important differences between the two that can significantly impact a business’s growth and legal requirements.

License Agreement

A license agreement is a legal contract between two parties that allows the licensee the right to use the licensor’s trademark, patent, or product for a specific purpose. In simpler terms, the license agreement gives someone permission to use someone else’s property without owning it. For example, a musician might grant a license to a movie producer to use their song in a film. In this case, the musician retains ownership of the song, while the movie producer pays a fee to use it.

License agreements can be beneficial for businesses looking to expand their reach without risking too much. Since the licensee is not given many restrictions on how they use the product, the licensor does not have much control over how it is marketed or sold.

Franchise Agreement

A franchise agreement, on the other hand, is a legal contract between two parties where the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to use their name, brand, and system of operations in exchange for a fee. In this case, the franchisee is given more control over how the franchisor’s brand is marketed and sold, but must follow strict guidelines on how the business is run.

Franchise agreements are beneficial for businesses that want to expand quickly and have more control over how their brand is represented. Franchisees are often required to follow strict guidelines set forth by the franchisor, which can lead to greater consistency in the quality of products and services provided.

Key Differences

The main differences between license agreements and franchise agreements are:

1. Ownership: License agreements allow the licensee to use the licensor’s property without owning it, while franchise agreements grant the franchisee the right to use the franchisor’s brand and system of operations as if they were the owner.

2. Control: License agreements give the licensee the freedom to market and sell the product as they see fit, while franchise agreements require strict adherence to guidelines set forth by the franchisor.

3. Fees: License agreements usually involve a one-time fee or royalty payment, while franchise agreements often require ongoing fees for the use of the franchisor’s brand and support services.


License agreements and franchise agreements are important legal contracts for businesses looking to expand. While license agreements give more freedom to the licensee, franchise agreements offer greater control over how the brand is represented and sold. It’s important to understand the differences between the two when considering which method to use for business expansion.