
Polish leader blames low birthrate on women using alcohol : NPR

Lipedema is a chronic, progressive disorder of adipose tissue that occurs almost exclusively in women . The condition has only recently been included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) of the World Health Organization as a separate clinical entity in the category “Certain noninflammatory disorders of subcutaneous fat,” code EF02.2. According to the ICD-11 description, “Lipoedema is characterized by non-pitting diffuse ‘fatty’ swelling, usually confined to the legs, thighs, hips and upper arms. Produced by The Batteries, the new technology has already been dubbed “a game changer” by the industry press, with the firm hoping to begin large-scale production once work on their “pilot factory” is finished. According to the findings of the investigators, cash from banks in Poland was paid out only by so-called trusted people.

In our study, quality of life was predicted by the severity of symptoms related to pain, heaviness, and swelling. Further analyses showed that depression severity mediated the relationship between symptom severity and quality of life. The higher the severity of symptoms such as fat tissue pain, leg heaviness, muscle stiffness, swelling, and muscle and joint pain, the higher the severity of depression, which leads to lower quality of life. This result points out a need to focus not only on physical but also psychological complaints when assessing the functioning of women with lipedema .

We investigated the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of Polish women with lipedema, their quality of life and its factors. Women’s rights organizations and parliament members of the opposition Lewica reed about polish women at https://thegirlcanwrite.net/polish-women/ party are collecting signatures for a civic initiative bill, “Legal Abortion Without Compromise,” which would permit abortion without restriction as to reason up to the twelfth week of pregnancy. It would permit abortion after 12 weeks in cases of risk to the person’s mental or physical health, a non-viable pregnancy, or pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.

  • Communist leaders claimed that women in Poland obtained equal rights as a result of socialistic social processes, and used that statement to explain why there was a lack of – and no need for – feminism in Poland.
  • Guidelines for lipedema treatment have been created in other countries, including Germany , the Netherlands , the United Kingdom , and the United States of America .
  • The current study is the first to explore quality of life in women with lipedema in Poland, and it has a number of limitations.

The purpose of the current study was to increase knowledge of the clinical characteristics, of women with lipedema in Poland, and their quality of life and its factors. Additionally, through this investigation our aim was to identify further directions for research and possible interventions. The results indicated the higher the severity of symptoms related to pain, heaviness, and swelling the lower the quality of life, and that depression severity mediated this relationship. Therefore, symptom management and addressing psychological functioning may play a role in improving quality of life in women with lipedema.

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CBOS also breaks down the results according to whether respondents already have children or not. Among childless women, the latest survey found that 59% plan to have them in the short- or long-term future, compared to 78% in 2017. He claimed, without any medical proof, that to develop alcoholism, the average man “has to drink excessively for 20 years” but “a woman only two.” “The cretinous words of an old geezer about Polish women that women do not give birth to children because they drink , this is only a fragment of our reality,” the Women’s Strike wrote Monday on Facebook. “Our rights are being suppressed,” said Magdalena Wlodarczyk, who is 61 and retired.

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Despite her pain, Kaja drove around 200 miles from her village in Poland to Rudzinski’s clinic across the border. This is a particularly effective means to address hybrid challenges in a democratic way—enhancing social cohesion, presenting fewer obstacles to involvement, and harnessing more international support. Yet far from happening solely on the streets, this transformation has long been taking place too in less obvious sites—ones the liberal left has failed to acknowledge, leaving scope for illiberal forces to capitalize on them.

There are more than 9,000 women employed in the Polish police, composing 9.23 percent of police employees. Most Polish policewomen work in posts that are occupied by civil or administrative officers in Western countries, so it is difficult to make any comparisons. Also, the number of women recruited to work within the police has declined to approximately 100 a year. The fact that there are women in the police does not mean they are accepted by their male colleagues or superiors. The most frequent worry of female students at the Police Academy is that after graduating, they will be put behind desks and make coffee until their retirement.

Unable to be passive about the atrocities of war, they felt compelled to help in any way possible. “I am really a sincere supporter of women’s equality, but I am not a supporter of women pretending to be men, and men pretending to be women,” Kaczynski said. And once this charter enters into force, “not one more” woman in Europe will be deprived of their fundamental rights, and the future will finally hold real gender equality.

In Poland, abortion is only permitted in situations of risk to the life or health of a pregnant woman, or if a pregnancy results from rape. In practice, however, it is almost impossible for those eligible for a legal abortion to obtain one.

Preparation of this manuscript was supported by subsidies from MNiSW, decision number WP/2018/A/05 . The funders had no role in the design of the study, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Kacpura’s advice to U.S. women is to hit the streets and “stay there for as long as you can while you find ways to support each other in the face of reproductive injustice.” One thing people did in Poland when their reproductive rights came under fire was to mobilize the masses. “If Roe is abolished, many American women will have to do what Polish women are already doing to get safe abortions,” Ala-Siurua said.

A women’s rights group in Poland on Monday urged people to demonstrate after the country’s ruling party leader claimed that Poland’s low birthrate is partly caused by young women drinking too much alcohol. Many of the recent protests are inspired by the success of the massive crowds that gathered on Oct. 3, 2016, when Poland’s parliament considered a bill that would ban abortion in all cases except when the mother’s life is threatened. The bill had strong initial support, but three days before the vote, women’s rights groups organized what is now considered to be one of the largest protests in the history of the country. Women participating in the protests — called the “black protests” or Black Monday — planned to skip work and wear all black. The approach was inspired by similar protests among Icelandic women in Oct. 1975, when an estimated 90% of women refused to work or do house chores to call out wage discrepancies and unfair employment practices in the country.