Sober living

Top 10 Reasons to Get Clean and Sober

For example, a person’s family members or friends are involved in drug or alcohol abuse. This could have been one of the reasons the individual struggled with substance abuse. After the person goes through recovery, his or her loved one may still be struggling. So, relapse can occur if the individual is placed back into that environment. It can be very hard to remain sober in situations like that.

Even if you don’t tend to black out under the influence, alcohol and drugs can make your memory foggy and unreliable. When you’re sober, you’ll feel sharper and more alert, and you’ll remember things better. Drinking and drugging take up a lot of time and energy. You have to spend time acquiring your substance of choice, using it, and then recovering from its effects. You can use it to work on your hobbies, learn new skills, spend time with your loved ones, work out, or anything else you please.

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Mindful meditation is a great way to grow spiritually because it relaxes your mind and aids in coping with feelings of anxiety and stress. It is a free, easy to do activity that promotes healing and spiritual growth by reasons to stay sober connecting your mind, body, and spirit. Sleep, diet, and overall health are directly correlated with the status of your mental health. As your lifestyle improves, you will find your emotions more stable and manageable.

  • Suffering from addiction to drugs is insufferable.
  • For many people who complete their stay at a rehabilitation center, therapy becomes part of the outpatient program.
  • Call us today and let’s get you started on the path to a better you.
  • If you have more than two of these criteria, there is a good chance that some degree of professional treatment has become necessary.

Most people abuse drugs as a way of coping with mental health issues. By going to rehab they learn how to confront the root causes of addiction in treatment. This can be anything from depression or anxiety to trauma and PTSD. Addiction and mental health issues often come hand-in-hand.

Your sobriety affects your loved ones as well as you and they want you to stay sober.

Continuous substance abuse can even do things like cause your blood pressure to spike or decrease to an unhealthy range. When your blood pressure becomes too high or too low, it can cause your body to go into shock. Therefore, it is sometimes imperative for your blood pressure and overall health to become sober.

reasons to stay sober

Extended periods of substance abuse can wreak havoc on a healthy brain. As one study outlines, one year of recovery drastically improves an individual’s short and long-term memory, attentiveness, and ability to focus. Although finding drugs is easy, affording the habit is difficult. According to research, the street value of an average daily drug habit of heroin, cocaine, or meth averages anywhere from $150 to $200.