
Foreign Arbitration Agreements

Foreign Arbitration Agreements: Understanding the Basics

As companies increasingly conduct business across international borders, foreign arbitration agreements have become an important tool for managing legal disputes. These agreements allow parties to resolve their disputes outside of the traditional court system, often with more efficiency and less expense. However, navigating the complex world of foreign arbitration agreements can be challenging. In this article, we’ll examine the key features of foreign arbitration agreements and what businesses should consider when entering into them.

What Is a Foreign Arbitration Agreement?

A foreign arbitration agreement is a contract between parties that sets out the terms for resolving disputes through arbitration in a foreign country. The agreement typically outlines the rules and procedures that will govern the arbitration, including the selection of arbitrators, the location of the arbitration, and the language to be used during the proceedings. Foreign arbitration agreements may be included in a broader contract or established as a standalone agreement.

Why Choose Foreign Arbitration?

There are several benefits to choosing foreign arbitration over traditional court proceedings. One of the primary advantages is speed. Courts can become bogged down with cases, leading to long delays before a case is heard. In contrast, arbitration proceedings can be scheduled more quickly, allowing the parties to resolve their dispute in a more timely manner. Additionally, arbitration proceedings are often less expensive than court proceedings, which can save businesses significant amounts of money.

Another advantage of foreign arbitration is neutrality. Parties to a dispute may prefer to resolve their differences in a neutral location rather than in the home country of one of the parties. Additionally, arbitration proceedings are typically confidential, whereas court proceedings are public record. Confidentiality can be particularly important for businesses that want to avoid negative publicity or protect proprietary information.

Points to Consider When Entering into a Foreign Arbitration Agreement

Before entering into a foreign arbitration agreement, businesses should carefully consider several factors. First, they should choose a reputable arbitration institution that is recognized in the country where the arbitration will take place. This ensures that the arbitration will be conducted in accordance with international best practices and that the award will be enforceable in the relevant jurisdiction.

Second, businesses should carefully review the terms of the foreign arbitration agreement to ensure that they understand the rules and procedures that will govern the arbitration. The agreement should clearly outline the selection of arbitrators, the location of the arbitration, and the language that will be used during the proceedings.

Finally, businesses should consider the potential risks of a foreign arbitration agreement. For example, if the arbitration takes place in a foreign country, the parties may be subject to different legal systems and cultural norms. Additionally, the award may be subject to challenge in the courts of the country where the arbitration took place.


Foreign arbitration agreements can be a valuable tool for businesses that conduct international transactions. They offer efficient and cost-effective dispute resolution, as well as neutrality and confidentiality. However, businesses should carefully consider the risks and benefits before entering into a foreign arbitration agreement. With careful planning and preparation, businesses can successfully navigate the complex world of foreign arbitration and ensure a positive outcome for their legal disputes.