
Contract Void for Impossibility

As a professional, it’s important to have a comprehensive understanding of legal concepts that may impact businesses. One of these concepts is the “contract void for impossibility.”

A contract is considered to be “void for impossibility” when there are unforeseeable circumstances that make it impossible for either party to fulfill their obligations under the agreement. This could be due to a variety of reasons such as a natural disaster, government action, or a sudden change in the law.

When such a scenario arises, the terms of the contract become unenforceable, and both parties are released from their respective obligations. Moreover, there’s no additional liability protection for either party.

This concept is particularly important in the current scenario where the COVID-19 pandemic has led to widespread disruption in business operations. For instance, businesses may have agreed to fulfill their obligations before the pandemic, but the sudden lockdowns, travel bans, and supply chain disruptions make it impossible to do so.

In such a case, the parties involved may choose to either renegotiate the terms of the contract or to terminate it altogether. It’s worth noting that the doctrine of “contract void for impossibility” is applicable only when the event causing impossibility is unforeseeable.

In conclusion, as a professional, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of legal concepts that may impact businesses. The doctrine of “contract void for impossibility” is one such concept that businesses must be aware of as it may provide much-needed relief during challenging times like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.