
Significant Changes in Hiring Agreement Texas

The Lone Star State is known for its business-friendly environment, which makes it an ideal location for companies looking to hire new employees. However, employers and employees alike need to keep up with the latest changes in the hiring agreement laws in Texas. In this article, we will discuss some of the significant changes in hiring agreements that have taken place in the state.

Non-Compete Agreements:

One of the most significant changes in Texas` hiring agreement laws is related to non-compete agreements. Employers can no longer use non-compete agreements for low-wage workers earning less than $15.00 an hour or $31,200 annually. Additionally, this law applies only to agreements that are entered into on or after September 1, 2021.

This change is significant because non-compete agreements restrict an employee`s ability to work for a competitor after leaving a job. The new law limits their ability to do so, which means that employees have greater flexibility in choosing where they want to work and in what industry.

Salary History Ban:

Another significant change in Texas is the Salary History Ban, which prohibits employers from asking job applicants about their current or past salaries. This new law is intended to address the wage gap between men and women, as well as other minority groups.

The law also requires that employers provide applicants with a pay range for the job in question, along with a list of benefits and other factors that could impact compensation. This information should be provided before the employer discusses the applicant`s salary expectations.

This law is significant because it helps level the playing field for job seekers, regardless of their gender, race, or other personal characteristics. It also encourages employers to base salary offers on the job`s responsibilities and the applicant`s qualifications, rather than on their previous salary history.

Religious Freedom Law:

The Texas Legislature passed a law that allows individuals and businesses to refuse service to others based on religious beliefs. The new law has generated much controversy and criticism, with opponents arguing that it could lead to discrimination against minority groups.

The law applies to hiring decisions and could potentially allow employers to discriminate against job candidates based on religion. Employers have the right to express their religious beliefs, but they cannot use them to discriminate against job candidates.


Texas is a state that is constantly evolving, especially when it comes to hiring agreement laws. Employers and employees must stay informed about the latest changes to ensure that they are in compliance with state law. It`s crucial to work with experienced employment attorneys to navigate any legal issues that may arise during the hiring process. By doing so, businesses can ensure they attract and retain the best employees while staying in compliance with the law.